Course description

The course starts at 09:30 am and ends at 5 pm. Registration commences at 08:30 am. [ONLINE FORMAT] We will send the course materials and meeting instructions well in advance as well as the invitation with hyperlink to join us online. The workshop will start at 08:30 and lasts until 13:00. The online meeting will…

Registration fee

We currently offer three formats of this seminar, depending on the imposed restrictions. On our homepage and at each seminar, icons and text clearly indicate which format is scheduled. If there is a choice for online attendance or live attendance, you can indicate this on the registration form. You cannot deviate from this choice (online…

Course description

The course starts at 09.30 am and ends at 5 pm on both days. Registration commences at 08.30 am. If we need to revert to fully virtual delivery, the course will start at 09:00 am and we will have short breaks every hour of teaching.   Uitdagingen voor de klassieke datawarehouse architectuur Big data integreren…


Het programma start om 9:30 uur en duurt tot 17:00 uur. Registratie is mogelijk vanaf 8:30 uur. Ontvangst, registratie en uitreiking documentatie. Deel 1 Introductie in privacy en databescherming, het belang van privacy en databescherming en de relatie met informatie- en datamanagement Overzicht van de nieuwe privacy en databescherming wet- en regelgevingen (Nationale en internationale…

Course description

The course starts at 09.30 am and ends at 5 pm. Registration commences at 08.30 am. Business Analysis — what we are doing We start with the topic of business analysis itself, and how the business analyst is the driving force to change the business from its current way of working to the desired future…

Registration fee

Taking part in this two-day workshop will only cost 1305 Euro when registering 30 days beforehand and 1450 Euro per person after the Early Bird period expires (excl. 21% Dutch VAT)*. This also covers documentation, lunch, tea/coffee and a free copy of the book Business Analysis and Leadership: Influencing Change by door Penny Pullan, James Archer et al. . Members…

Course description

The course starts at 09.30 am and ends at 5 pm. Registration commences at 08.30 am. Course Topics Level-setting on terms, concepts, conventions, and structures • Conventions for the essential components: entities, relationships, attributes, and identifiers • Effective naming and definition • Basic attribute patterns – handling multi-valued, redundant, and constrained attributes • More attribute…

Registration fee

Taking part in this two-day workshop will only cost 1305 Euro when registering 30 days beforehand and 1450 Euro per person after the Early Bird period expires (excl. 21% Dutch VAT). This also covers documentation, lunch, tea/coffee. If you register for the workshop A Business-oriented Approach to Data Modelling by Alec Sharp at the same time, you…

Registration fee

We currently offer three formats of this seminar, depending on the imposed restrictions. On our homepage and at each seminar, icons and text clearly indicate which format is scheduled. If there is a choice for online attendance or live attendance, you can indicate this on the registration form. You cannot deviate from this choice (online…

Registration fee

We currently offer three formats of this seminar, depending on the imposed restrictions. On our homepage and at each seminar, icons and text clearly indicate which format is scheduled. If there is a choice for online attendance or live attendance, you can indicate this on the registration form. You cannot deviate from this choice (online…