Het programma start om 9:30 uur en duurt tot 17:00 uur. Registratie is mogelijk vanaf 8:30 uur. Ontvangst, registratie en uitreiking documentatie 1. De komst van Big Data en Fast Data • Nieuwe BI-vormen, waaronder data science, investigative analytics en streaming analytics • Het inzetten van Big Data om een concurrentievoordeel te krijgen • Verschillen…
Taking part in this workshop will only cost 625,50 Euro when registering 30 days beforehand and 695 Euro per person after the Early Bird period expires (excl. 21% Dutch VAT). This also covers documentation, lunch, tea/coffee. In completing your registration form you declare that you agree with our Terms and Conditions. Extra discounts Discounts are available for group…
The course starts at 09.30 am and ends at 5 pm. Registration commences at 08.30 am. Model Development Introduction Current Trends in AI, Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics Algorithms in the News: Deep Learning The Modeling Software Landscape The Rise of R and Python: The Impact on Modeling and Deployment Do I Need to…
Taking part in this two-day workshop will only cost 1305 Euro when registering 30 days beforehand and 1450 Euro per person after the Early Bird period expires (excl. 21% Dutch VAT). This also covers documentation, lunch, tea/coffee. If you also register for our Datawarehousing & BI Summit, you will get extra discount and pay 1363 Euros for…
Taking part in this seminar will only cost 625,50 Euros when registering 30 days beforehand and 695 Euros per person after the Early Bird period expires (excl. 21% Dutch VAT). This also covers documentation, lunch, tea/coffee. In completing your registration form you declare that you agree with our Terms and Conditions. Extra discounts Discounts are available for…
The seminar starts at 9.30 and ends at 17:00. Registration commences at 8.30. (Dutch spoken) Inleiding tot de wereld van API’s De opkomst van API’s API versus SOA Drijfveren voor de inzet van API’s API-typen: intern, partner, publiek Relatie met citizen integration, microservices en governance Management van API’s Overzicht API Management-oplossingen API Portaal in detail De…
Taking part in this three-day workshop will only cost 1791 Euro per person when registering 30 days beforehand and 1990 Euro afterwards (excl. 21% Dutch VAT). This also covers documentation, lunch, coffee and the book Agile Data Warehouse Design by Lawrence Corr. If you also register for our Datawarehousing & BI Summit, you will get extra discount and pay 1890.50 Euros for…
The course starts at 09.30 am and ends at 5 pm. Registration commences at 08.30 am. Modelstorming – Agile BI Analysis and Design BI/DW design requirements, challenges and opportunities: the need for agility and collaboration The 7 Vs of Data. The 3 Vs of Big Data + 4 more that technology alone cannot solve. Facts…
Taking part in this two-day workshop will only cost 1305 Euro when registering 30 days beforehand and 1450 Euro per person after the Early Bird period expires (excl. 21% Dutch VAT). This also covers documentation, lunch, tea/coffee. Members of the Dutch ProcessCamp are eligible for 10 percent discount on the registration fee. In completing your registration form you…