
  Limited time? Can you only attend one day? It is possible to attend only the first or only the second conference day and of course the full conference. The presentations by our speakers have been selected in such a way that they can stand on their own. This enables you to attend the second…

About Adept Events

This conference is organized by Adept Events, an independent organizer of seminars, workshops and conferences on various IT-related topics. We have established a strong relationship with the leading portal and numerous international speakers and analysts on these topics. Our main focus is on Business Intelligence, Datawarehousing, Data Management and Data Modelling. We also provide seminars and workshops in…


Selected photo’s starting with the 2014 edition in Amsterdam, up to the 2019 edition in Utrecht.

Brief Overview

21 march09:30 - 09:45 | Opening by the chairman Room 1    Rick van der Lans09:45 - 11:00 | Managing the Data Lake – The Critical Importance of An Information Catalog Room 1    Mike Ferguson11:15 – 11:45 | Case FrieslandCampina Room 1    Aart Labee11:45 - 13:00 | Uncertainty and Analytics Room 1    Donald Farmer11:45 - 13:00...


Het programma start om 09.30 uur en duurt tot 17.00 uur. Registratie is mogelijk vanaf 08.30 uur.   DAG 1 Ontvangst, registratie en uitreiking documentatie Inleiding Informatie als bedrijfsmiddel Wat is nodig om informatie als een bedrijfsmiddel te behandelen Impact op de organisatie De waarde en risicofactoren van informatie Informatie uitgagingen Regelgeving en compliance 360° zicht op… Business…

Registration fee

We may offer this course online as well, in which case you can indicate upon registration whether you would like to attend live in our course room at the venue or online through the live video stream. However, you cannot deviate from this without prior consent from our part due to 1.5 metre restrictions with…

Registration fee

Taking part in this hands-on workshop will only cost € 297 when registering 30 days beforehand and € 330 per person after the Early Bird period expires (excl. 21% Dutch VAT). This also covers documentation. In completing your registration form you declare that you agree with our Terms and Conditions. Extra discounts Discounts are available for group…

Course description

We will send the course materials and meeting instructions well in advance as well as the invitation with hyperlink to join us online. The seminar will start at 09:00 and lasts until 13:00. The online meeting will be available at least one half hour earlier so please log in timely in order to check your…

Course description

The course starts at 09.30 am and ends at 5 pm on both days. Registration commences at 08.30 am.   Deel 1. Inleiding – wat is een data-architectuur? Waarom een nieuwe data-architectuur? Voorbeelden van data-architecturen uit de praktijk Uit welke onderdelen bestaat een data-architectuur? Wat is het verschil tussen een data-architectuur en een solutions-architectuur? Van…