In September 2018, the development of the OSDU Data Platform was started by the Open Group. The OSDU Forum started as a standard data platform for the oil and gas industry, which will reduce silos and put data at the center of the subsurface community. All types of data (structured and unstructured) from oil & gas exploration, development, and wells is loaded into this single OSDU Data Platform. The data is accessible via one set of APIs; some datatype optimized APIs will be added later. The platform enables secure, reliable, global, and performant access to all subsurface and wells data. It acts as an open, standards-based ecosystem that drives innovation.
On March 24, 2021 the first operational release was launched on the public cloud platforms from Amazon, Google, and Microsoft. Later in 2021, oil & gas production data and data from new energy sources, such as wind and solar farms, hydrogen, geothermal, and CCUS, will be added to this single, open source-based Energy data platform. The OSDU Data Platform acts as a system of record and acts therefore the master of that data. This session discusses the challenges involved in setting up such a challenging project and platform and the lessons learned along the way.
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